World War III
(with us & ongoing)
World War III has no front-line
no ranks of marching soldiers
designated targets
no assembled juggernauts
from wars past
World War III is new war, subtle, violent
yet ancient, fundamental as testament
bible, torah/talmud, koran
'tis the reaping of a bitter harvest
sown anew by 20th century seeds
invasion, occupation, murder, injustice
the crusading West with it's arsenals
cluster-bombs, tanks, fighter-planes
the other side
has children
throwing stones
at soldiers
dying for it
mother's sons who implode themselves -
no general's orders for their third world revolution
their never-ending mantra “justice for Palestinians”
the West - at it's peril - chooses to ignore
these are mad-men in power, guilty !
for 60 years of cruelty
coldly perpetrated
on a stateless impoverished people
World War III plunges us back
to dark-age 'flat-earth' mediaeval ignorance
demanding deep thought, trenchant reading
near & ancient history
some wish themselves above this
necessary work, this scrutiny
difficult to read fire-and-brimstone texts
crumbling dogmas polished anew
re-interpreted anew
printed askew in the people's media
(owned by billionaires)
preached anew by politicians
in league with fundamental gurus
poisoned with ideology
World War III is run by
'democratically elected'
war criminals ! guilty !
Fundamental Christians ! guilty !
Fundamental Jews ! guilty!
Fundamental Muslims ! guilty!
all guilty ! not listening !
not listening to the heart-beat
of more reasonable souls
World War III means
morally bankrupt politicians
who hold us captive
who've sold their souls
to capital stock & corporation
who feed like vampires on fear and terror
who 'bend' elections based on lies
this brave new world
run by corrupt old men with agendas
whose addled minds can conceive no other than war -
no vision, no future, no thought
not even for their own grand-children
World War III is bigoted old men repeating
ancient fundamentalisms
stuck inside their bibles of black and white
yet still alive
in this 21st century rainbow world
with all its promise
still they bog us down with their lack
their paranoia
their rampant greed
arrogant old men who value nothing
but power and money
we must rid ourselves of their pestilence
they do not deserve the air they breathe
we must vote them out -
if it takes a revolution -
Pamela Sidney 9.7.07